The Australian Jewish Community Supports the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

It’s a statement from the heart but it’s also a cry from the heart, a cry in search of a voice, a plea born out of despair, an appeal nurtured by hope. It’s The Uluru Statement from the Heart. And it speaks directly to my Jewish heart in the spirit of ‘words that come from the heart enter the heart’.

It speaks of the torment of powerlessness; it draws our attention to the inextricable bond between people and the land of their ancestors; it reminds us of the future that children nestle in their pristine hearts; it affirms the power of the past. And through it all there runs a deep spiritual current.

It’s a cry for recognition, it’s a statement for justice, it’s a plea for compassion. Speaking to a Jewish audience several years ago, Noel Pearson said -“It’s a vision for my mob to be as strong as your mob”. It could be a Jewish statement but rather it’s one of the first people of the Australian continent. One that we more than others, we the people intimate with powerlessness, endurance, and the lure of ancestral land, should respond to with energy and empathy. It’s a space where we, the people of the dream, can meet the people of the Dreamtime.

Add Your Voice

We are calling on all those who are inspired by the Uluru Statement to make a submission to the government in support of a Voice enshrined in the Australian Constitution.

Why the voice matters


A Voice to Parliament is a fair and practical way to deliver meaningful constitutional recognition and reform for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people..

A Voice to Parliament will give Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people a say on the policies and laws that impact their lives.

A Voice to Parliament will ensure that Parliament and government is better and more appropriately informed in its approach to Indigenous affairs policy and law-making.

This will lead to better outcomes for Indigenous people and more efficient use of government funds.

Uluru Statement from the Heart explained in 30 seconds

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